of the
Entomological Society of Washington
The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (ISSN 0013-8797) has been in continuous publication since its inception in 1884. The Proceedings are published four times a year in January, April, July, and October. The journal publishes on all aspects of original research in Entomology. Subject matter includes Systematics, Taxonomy, Biology, Behavior, Ecology, Morphology, Genetics, and other topics.
Submit a manuscript
Thank you for your interest in publishing in the Proceedings! Please follow the formatting instructions prior to submitting your manuscript.
Once you’ve properly formatted your manuscript and figures, submit it as an attachment by clicking the “submit” button. The current editor, Mark Metz, will send it to the appropriate subject editors and manage the reviews.
Submit a manuscript
Thank you for your interest in publishing in the Proceedings! Please follow the formatting instructions prior to submitting your manuscript.
Once you’ve properly formatted your manuscript and figures, submit it as an attachment by clicking the “submit” button. The current editor, Mark Metz, will send it to the appropriate subject editors and manage the reviews.
Current Issues of the Proceedings
If you are a member, Login to access all issues of the Proceedings since 2008 (vol. 110–124) through BioOne. Not a member?
Issues of the Proceedings from 1884–2007 are available to all at Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Titles and abstracts of the Proceedings from 2008 –Present are available on BioOne. Open Access is available to members below.
Page charges
We offer significant discounts to publish if you are a member.
The Entomological Society of Washington is pleased to announce that since January 2016 there are no longer page charges for members publishing in the Proceedings. The member page-charge waiver also will include two free color plates in each article. Additional color plates are $50.00; excessive corrections (over 10) are $3.00 per line.
Page charges for non-members are $40.00 per page; color plates are $50.00 each; corrections are $3.00 per line.
Special Announcement
We encourage authors to submit large, comprehensive papers, up to 50 printed pages on almost any topic involving the biology, evolution, and systematics of insects and other arthropods.
Mark Metz