No. 5. A Classification of the Siphonaptera of South America, by Phyllis T. Johnson. 298 pp. 1957


Siphonaptera of South America.

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Phyllis T. Johnson

Curator of fleas and lice at USNM 1955–1958.




Publication as a result of Ph.D dissertation.


No. 1. The North American Bees of the Genus Osmia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), by Grace A. Sandhouse. 167 pp. 1939
No. 12. The Holarctic Genera of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidae), by Michael E. Schauff. 67 pp. 1984
No. 24. Holcocerini of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae: Blastobasinae), by David Adamski. 147 pp. 2002
No. 10. Recent Advances in Dipteran Systematics: Commemorative Volume in Honor of Curtis W. Sabrosky, edited by Wayne N. Mathis and F. Christian Thompson. 227 pp. 1982
No. 11. A Systematic Study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera), by Kenkichi Karnmiya, 370 pp. 1983