No. 5. A Classification of the Siphonaptera of South America, by Phyllis T. Johnson. 298 pp. 1957


Siphonaptera of South America.

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Phyllis T. Johnson

Curator of fleas and lice at USNM 1955–1958.




Publication as a result of Ph.D dissertation.


No. 1. The North American Bees of the Genus Osmia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), by Grace A. Sandhouse. 167 pp. 1939
No. 7. Ant larvae: Review and Synthesis, by George C. and Jeanette Wheeler. 108 pp. 1976
No. 18. Contributions on Diptera, Dedicated to Willis W. Wirth, edited by Wayne N. Mathis and William L. Grogan, Jr. 297 pp. 1997
No. 4. A Manual of the Chiggers, by G.W. Wharton and H.S. Fuller. 185 pp. 1952
No. 3. The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae): a generic classification and check list, by Paul Wilson Oman. 253 pp. 1949